Passed out on the couch with a cat on your uterus. Nothing works better, in my opinion.
Passed out on the couch with a cat on your uterus. Nothing works better, in my opinion.
I spent the day outside in 10-degree weather. I blame that.
Thank you for this. I live along the shore of Lake Michigan (in the National Park) and they did not plow my street until Thursday. I did not leave the house, in turn, until Friday. To go to work.
And they say there has been no true new invention since the computer.
@Philippa Marlowe: Same. But it was ten pounds and only 2.5 years. Still with the crazy & the acne though.
@Palimpsestina: My thoughts exactly! I work in the Dunes, outdoors, and thought to myself: If I wear only six items, I'll be dead before the month is over.
@IrishWolf6789: To add to this:
@CashMoneyHoney: I'm from the next town over, and it's definitely Central Jersey. However, this is a nebulous region not always recognized by denizens of either South or North Jersey, who believe that everything north/south of them is North/South Jersey.
What about the cold and the short days?
Be more open & say "yes."
@wilmawonker: I've been using natural products, doing kind of a natural Curly Girl method, and my hair has become sooo curly.
Question: I'm quite pale with grey/bluish eyes & medium-dark brown hair. How do I find a shade that complements both my eye color and my skin tone?
Non-fiction lovers: In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick.
I also just graduated this year, and, after some rumination so I could keep my reply short, have one thing to share:
@Rachelley: As a 22-year-old still-virgin, I hear you, but I disagree. I am starting to feel tugs of loneliness that can't be filled by friends and family.
@tinyalice: Oxytocin is also involved in mate selection and long-term bonding, so something of the "intimacy" theory seems to ring true.
@Helen Valentine: Lemon juice helps a little bit with the itch. Other than that I don't know... Sometimes I try to pinch some other part of me (pain blocks the itching sensation).
Late, again, but hopefully not too late...
Natural deodorant:
I took French Terroir: from the Renaissance to the Revolution. Also known as an excuse to sample French foods and discuss their origins while reading some classic French literature (the real Cyrano, Descartes, Rabelais). How they related to food is beyond me.