
Tenure? I hardly know ‘er!

I think it’s a good thing that there’s no longer guys whose *sole* job is to skate 6 minutes a night and get in a fight, but your point is well-taken.

Just LOL’d at this, over a year after you posted it. Jesus Christ is that funny.

How does one get “politely” kicked off an elevator by a fellow citizen, let alone one they were on first?

With ham bags!

Is this pretty idiot-proof?

Is this pretty idiot-proof?


Can’t even throw on a collar when you’re meeting the fucking PRESIDENT, eh, Zuck? Cool, man.

“Again, December football [that is played in our dome half of the time. Ground and pound, baby.]”

I would pull the bus upon my prone frame using mine own two hands.

I think the problem now is that MLB teams can just throw like, $47 and a free sandwich at 10,000 kids and hope 7 of them pan out. Not much incentive on their part to make sure guys develop and succeed when they can just turn it into a numbers game.

Can you expand on the Tommy Thompson thing? Don’t know the backstory there.

I’m taking your word on this...because it sounds awesome.

“It’s terrorism. Not the old hat setting off of IEDs on crowded city streets. No...this....this is terrorism.”

That’s fantastic. The Dems should have a lot of thinking to do about messaging and coalition-building, but I’m not optimistic.

You must’ve loved Leah Finnegan

Good GOD.


Oh god yeah that’s the fucking stuff