Are any of the stances on here ever deliberately contrarian to the mainstream narrative, or are the author’s true feelings/opinions always expressed?
Are any of the stances on here ever deliberately contrarian to the mainstream narrative, or are the author’s true feelings/opinions always expressed?
I’m sure the official Deadspin stance/headline on this will be “Thing is Cool and Good and Cool,” since most people agree that this is a pretty shitty thing.
Can this be crossposted to Jezebel? Please?
Billy blew this, too.
That is one fat bathroom cabinet you have. Mine struggles to fit Rx bottles.
Legitimately insane that Dusty Baker is in Wrigley today on the anniversary of this...
Haisley’s ranking of teams who made the last four of the Champions League, in order of deservedness of making it to this stage:
Moorehead left Virginia Tech after two years to take the same position at TAMU. #loyalty
I’m not sure I’m qualified to speak on this, since I’m not a condescending, dismissive Brooklynite whose work is routinely slaughtered in the comments in a manner seen on no other writers’s articles, so I’ll tread lightly here, but....I think one could conceivably argue that his time at Bayern was a failure given the…
Legitimate question: can a professional athletic contract be voided for this? If someone is physically incapable of performing their job, even when “healthy,” as Red Sox management and Sandoval both claimed, how on Earth is he fulfilling his end of the bargain?
Goddammit, I clicked.
Cooke (will also require further specificity)
Today you should have seen me and Mousy today, at school today.
Refreshing, almost.
Joke’s on me
Glad you fulfilled Deadspin’s contractual obligation to be dismissive and sooooo counter-#narrative in your headline. This never ever EVER gets tired or old; Deadspin’s snide and contemptuous attitude towards whatever the prevailing opinion is, no matter what it is, especially when the article itself proves that the…
“...and then, once I’ve helped them stand up as well, that’s when I throw them through the goddamn plate glass window. Each and every one. Equally.”
One could argue that the very act of responding to stuff like Shaughnessy’s words is giving slightly more than zero fucks but what do I know.