
I simply can’t fathom the depths of megalomania required to be a public employee, who is paid MILLIONS of dollars to exploit the labor of unpaid teenagers and young men, who you may treat however you see fit, and still get this fucking pissy when asked to answer a few goddamn questions about the football program that

I’m still not sure that I do...

Shit, Billy, since when did Real Madrid join MLS?

When the Texans were 3-6....

I feel that being THIS bad at something that is largely just a matter of setting your own routine via repetition and dedication is basically inexcusable.

Oh, Jesus. Had never seen that.

And I’m no better. Somehow I have grown clumsier in middle age. I’ll drop things for no reason at all. I’ll turn around, hit a wall, and my keys will go flying out of my hand and land in a sewer grate. I have no control over my faculties. It may be a neurological disorder. I’d go see a doctor about it, but I’d

Yeah I fell asleep for 45 minutes right around halftime and didn’t even rewind it. Who cares.

Disclaimer: I’m a Pats fan, and I think last night might have finally broken me. I have watched about an hour of non-Pats football this year due to this horseshit product, and I don’t know how the hell you were watching last night unless you were a Pats fan, a Bills fan, or had your rent riding on the game.


There is literally no outcome here in this situation that would elicit a positive response from a Deadspin writer other than the nickname becoming some sort of extreme dick joke.

...I was led to believe there would be a sex tape somewhere?

“You listen to me, you fucked up little cigarette-smoking piece of shit, I was in the Viet-Nam War.”

“I actually got the jeans and sneakers at “Jim’s Still-Got-It Emporium! And yes, I am 44 years old! Thank you for noticing!”

“Sleep Train Arena”?

Hey, remember that selfish, unlikeable asshole? Well, he’s still that way, only now he can’t play! How zany and ironic we are, to state that it’s fun and/or cool to watch him play a brand of basketball that most people wouldn’t watch if it was their own kid playing it!

Do you have a link?

My legs involuntarily crossed at the first mention of “blender”...

You understand it’s possible to respect someone’s work and still think they’re a complete chump, right?