
“Little Sumpin Sumpin” is the absolute gold standard in “FUCK IT, JUST NAME IT WHATEVER” cutesy craft beer titling.

“Tip this amount. But you should also tip double that.”

“Here’s a lil something extra for ya, toots.”

Check the grays.

Jordan Baker....clubbed....him?

Counterpoint: You are wrong to a degree that is borderline offensive.

Don’t want more GWAR stories. NEED ‘em.

This comment is so mind-bendingly English that it just got knocked out in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup.

F0r whatever reason “fuck the moon” was what really got me here.

Does covering a circus act like Bayless or Cowherd legitimately bother you with their garbage, or do you just accept it as part of the deal at this point? Because I would never be exposed to 99% of their bullshit if I didn’t read about it here.

Your honesty is appreciated.

I can’t even follow your logic here.


Isn’t the hill like 800 feet from home plate and basically out of play?

Came here to post this. Tip o’ the cap.

I desperately want this to be true.

Not mentioning their Two Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw wine, now actually $3, #highwayrobbery) for those of us who don’t discriminate between wine, beer, booze, or Sterno is criminal.

That first sentence gave me anxiety.

41. Megan Draper

His completely vacant eyes are probably the creepiest facial feature of any pro athlete.