

I'm shocked it hasn't already. That's a really accelerated aging period. I threw my back out at 28.

Sandler is such a complete fucking asshole. That’s a 48-year-old man wearing that.

Jesus am I bad at Kinja. Fuck this.

I have no idea why my other comment showed up as a reply to you and not the article. Glad you had a sense of humor of a random dude spewing Sandler-related profanity in response to your thoughtful comment.

I have no idea why this showed up as a reply to you and not the article. Glad you had a sense of humor of a random dude spewing Sandler-related profanity in response to your thoughtful comment.

Sandler is such a complete fucking asshole. That’s a 48-year-old man wearing that.

Bill Simmons wants you to take solace in the fact that that shot is simply not makeable anyways. Because he tried it a few times.

This works fine too, but I feel the *doink!* of a bounce would have had the extra benefit of just being perfectly suited for Eli Manning.

Haha I hear ya. I remember being stunned at how well he was playing in that game, frankly, when I didn’t really have any skin in the game.

Side note, didn’t they burn Gilbert’s redshirt by putting him in that game?

I don’t really care one way or the other about the Cubs, but Bartman simply did not deserve what has since occurred.

Ball bounces off David Tyree’s helmet. Relegates both Mercury Morris and Tyree with his virulent homophobia to history’s scrap heap.

LOL! The apparently-seriously injured guy was mocked! I get it!

God save us.

Matt Martin just Matt Martinin' around out there, fresh off a suspension.

Oh my God, I am laughing out loud at this. HUMILIATING.

Mascot really doing yeoman's work at 1:06.

Now he belongs to the ages.

The tone of the note sort of leads me to believe that he wants a clean break and wouldn't come back to New England unless it was an absolute last resort.