
I'm tempted to just copy and paste this into the comments on every single article about the Patriots. I'm so sick of the "history" and "reputation" bullshit. They were caught for something ONCE and received one of the stiffest penalties in league history as a result.

I always feel that I have missed some sort of memo regarding Deadspin's perpetual refusal to condemn the taking of PEDs by any baseball player.

According to Lowery, Foscaldo snapped, "That isn't my fā€”ā€”-' job, you piece of sā€”-," after Jets kickoff specialist Don Silvestri complained the one he used to start the second half was "rock hard."


"Has any actor had more bad career luck over the last few years than Ryan Reynolds?...When he goes for the blockbuster (R.I.P.D., Green Lantern), it's a commercial disappointment."

His Klosterman ones can be hilarious just for how overmatched Simmons is. CK is proposing some wild theory about what a successful triple play can tell us about the cosmos and Simmons INTERRUPTS him to fart out a Karate Kid reference.

"Wait, Smoltz said gays are basically people who have sex with animals? He said they're people? Fuckin' libtard."

Hey, that's not a good picture of him at ALL! Haha! Terrific!

Am I still allowed to enjoy Deadspin if I don't give a shit about Bonds or Clemens ever making it in?

Is home ownership still a sound investment?

I got the Trader Joe's scotch a while ago and honestly....not bad. For ten damn dollars, I don't think you're gonna find much better.

"These guys are easy targets for the Internet Outrage Machine, but they're not big enough targets, at least not yet, and hopefully not ever."

I would think that someone would do anything possible to not be touched by Tyler Seguin

I buy that.

Is that last part even true?

Great stuff here

Can people please just hit him at the waist like you're theoretically taught to do? Please? Not sure why people insist on this "DO YOU WANT A CONCUSSION OR A BLOWN ACL?" false dichotomy.

Hey, I include myself in this, mind you. Brandon Lloyd (pre-Hollywood days) was a favorite savvy move of mine. I'm from Boston and Vereen went in the third goddamn round of my draft this year. Some people never learn, I suppose.

It's a rite of passage for subpar fantasy players, realizing that Patriots players are kryptonite.