Ghost of Mr Chicken

Eh, if we’re counting the American people being supplied with accurate information before going to polls as delegitimizing our electoral system, Obama didn’t win in 2012 because of the 47% video, or in 2008 because of the Rolling Stone expose on McCain’s military record. I’m not sure any president has ever won if we

If you want to give Cali X number of additional electoral votes, go ahead. Just because it added almost 3 million votes to Hillary’s total, it doesnt change the fact that she lost ~60% of the state votes. In Other words, she only won ~2/5 of 52 separate popularity contests. Sad.

No he was appointed by Hillary’s decision to dodge FOIA requests, State Dept guidelines and federal law. And Anthony Wiener’s weiner.

And Trump supporters are automatically racist bigots. Keep repeating it and it’ll become True. Hillary has trained you well.

Oh, believe me, I know. The FBI seems to be in permanent Keystone Cops mode, and has been since before 9/11. They had a golden, shooting-fish-in-a-barrell opportunity to stop the Tsarnaevs before they performed the Boston Marathon bombing, and they totally blew it. I live about two miles from the Tsarnaevs old

If this is all true, then FUCK HER. Put her in jail and let her rot. I’m a Muslim and I’m so damn bloody sick of all these goddamned terrorists and apologists who try to make excuses for these worthless, ruthless, barbaric murderers and killers. I was on Reddit yesterday and there was sub-reddit drama about some

The fact that AJ Daulerio isn’t in jail

?? she’s an actress. the problem you have is that she didn’t ‘look’ like her? it’s a movie! nicole kidman put on a fake nose to play virginia woolf and no one was up in arms about that..

I think the way to remove institutional racism and bias is to treat race as irrelevant, rather than focus on it and divide people by it and act like it determines your culture.

Race, is not ethnicity, Race is species. I am not advocating for people to be colour blind, but to realize that we are all one species, all one race, Human, Homosapien.

The problem is a lot of people on the left call anybody they disagree with a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc.

That’s because the new left is filled with unchecked animosity and resentment, fueled by hubris and rationalization that only they are right and everyone else is wrong, backwards, stupid, etc. Kind of like how a teenager is sure they know better than the adults.

What do you mean can’t be bothered?

Actually, Milo is a gay activist who happens to be comservative otherwise. I know tiny troll brains have a hard time conceptualizing this: Muslim Extremists want to kill you in your nightclubs and Trump wants to keep these wierdos out of our country. Simple. Makes sense to me which side to be on.

That’s kind of a rambling nonsense reply based on assumption, no offense. I consider myself “left” for the majority of issues. My point is the modern left’s goals are different than they were when I was younger. I prefer the idea of a melting pot to this newer idea of separating people into groups.

No surprise as colleges aren’t the places of free speech any more. If you aren’t a die hard lib your opinions are no longer wanted on college campuses. Someones feelings might get hurt.

The goal was not seeing race when I was a kid. That was the utopia everyone dreamed of, the melting pot where race becomes simple a skin pigment. Now the Left wants neo-segregation though and cries about cultural appropriation. Things have changed.

No, she pretty much said that. “So Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. And if we kick them all out you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” No, shit, Sherlock. They are not art. They are sports. You don’t have act like being stuck watching them is a

One should not see race (we are all humans after all, essentially genetically identical) what is noticeable is ethnicity. With humanities access to migration, just because someone looks like they have a certain ethnicity does not mean that they are that ethnicity.

You totally misinterpreted what Zoe Saldana said.