Ghost of Mr Chicken

“Berkeley, not Berkley.”

But the safety concerns, in large part, were based on how opponents would react to him speaking. By your logic, if I disagree with a speaker, all I need to do is get some friends, threaten violence and then speaker should be shut down?

Two nitpicks:

He is who he is. He’ll be prosecuted in accordance with the law.

Suicide by cop, but first he killed 8 people and yelled “allahu akbar” - right?

Too stupid to even know what a figure of speach is. Of course the victims crawl out of the woodwork to whine and bitch about multimillionaires.

Oooh he said it in refrence to black players. Sooo? What he’s not allowed to use idioms, because of race? You only admit blacks have a problem with jail when white people do it? Talk about a double standard. I know the difference but bias apparently infects your brain so....

Except he said it in reference to the black players who are protesting, so shut up and go learn the difference between “or” and “are.” It is every bit racial. Players being arrested on drug charges, domestic abuse etc don’t have anything to do with it for one, and clearly the NFL has no problem with THAT stuff because

Lol when did Slave Masters ever pay anyone millions of dollars for playing a childrens game? I mean why would you even play football. Even a small tackle that you shrug off does irreversible brain damage for the rest of your life. They are setting themselves up for memory loss, dementia, mood swings, etc later in

Oh Gee Golly Willickers Monique. You mean he paraphrased an Idiom and he meant it? Lol, you do realize this phrase has been around forever. It has nothing to do with race, and you are making it racial. There are white players to are did we forget about them? It just means the people who aren’t in charge are running

players now have another excuse to disrespect the flag and national anthem. because we all know kneeling and raising a fist will solve equality issues. face it, cultural and racial differences will always exist. let’s not pretend like this will change. a few more concussions and the inmates won’t remember what anyone

Next is an interview on a neighborhood watch on why they call teh police on robbers...

I don’t understand why people who cross illegally into the country, or are here illegally, shouldn’t be arrested. Doesn’t matter if they’re Mexican or Chinese or Irish, they’re breaking the law and should not be here. We need more Rustys

Was a decent article right until the point you called him pathetic. Also, don’t want to have border patrol called on you? Don’t come over illegally. Yes, I know the immigration process sucks here in America and seriously needs redone, but until it is, go through it.

“but I know many people who’ve crossed the river without papers, and they are good people”

Lmao, maybe rusty doesn’t want to live with a bunch of illegals in his town? But he is the one in the wrong? If you aren’t an illegal you have nothing to worry about. If you are, go back to Mexico. Simple as that. Hopefully more people pick up the phone!

If I would have stumbled upon what Rusty did, a skinned dog still alive hanging from a tree, I’d be Rusty too! In fact, I’ll come help Rusty save dogs. Thank you Rusty!

Leave it to the losers who run this publication to try and make it look like your wrong if your trying to keep things legal. The wrong ones are the law breakers. The even more wrong ones are those who would support the law breakers.

I’m confused. If they’re here illegally, what’s the problem? You should be caught if you haven’t crossed the border the right way.

Come here legally. It’s that simple.