Ghost of Mr Chicken

Yes exactly. All those things I listed don’t make him an asshole per se, just a peek at his Instagram, he’s definitely an asshole. Imagine if he didn’t objectify women, used his money for good, or at least not flaunt it, and used his platform to teach about gun control/safety?

It’s not nearly as simple as you want to make it seem - shocking a libtard would lie to make a point

Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist, as was Eric Rudolph. They specifically committed acts of violence in an attempt to intimidate and coerce the government and its people.

Of course terrorism is defined by the intent of the person who committed the act. The unabomber=terrorist, he had specific political reasons for what he did. The Columbine shooters on the other hand weren’t terrorists, they had no agenda beyond killing people

Can you point to a specific instance where it was coopted for a brown person doing something bad? I can’t think of any recent mass shooting by a person of color that was called terrorism that wasn’t in fact terrorism.

Thank you! This has been driving me insane. You can’t change the meaning of a goddamn word to make a political point.

Did anyone else think of “Falling Down”?

No, it just makes it easier for everyone to call EVERYTHING terrorism. Dylann Roof was a white terrorist. This guy seems to have random targets, that we know of (SO FAR - I completely allow for the possibility that this may change as we get more information). We should demand that the word be used correctly across the

Haha, you think the word still has any meaning?

I tried making that point on Twitter and oh dear was that ever a mistake on my part.

We don’t know if it is an act of terrorism. If the motive is political and/or religious then, yes, this was an act of terrorism. If it was any other reason like he hated the singer and his fans or little green men in space told him to do it or he wanted to feel what it was like to be God and smite people or whatever,

And what exactly are YOU proposing Europeans do? Nothing? Yeah no. If these women want to be covered from head to toe, there are countries for that. A long fucking list: Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc. Why not go there? I mean I know why: they want their cake and eat it too. They want to not integrate AND get all the

I guess if you’re going to change this adaptation’s story from the character of N in the original story to a bunch of new characters, you could change the title to something else. But it just feel unnecessarily stupid to rename it “8" from “N”. Is this really going to be marketed as “Stephen King’s 8"? You’re gonna

Yeah, I bet the guy living next door to this wouldn’t mind an HOA.

I read a good story about King once. Another author (can’t recall who, may have been James Ellroy), was hesitating on selling the rights to one of his books. He went to see King to ask his advice, as Stephen King obviously has form in the terrible adaptation department. King took him into his library, pointed at all

Thing is, it wasn’t really an adaptation. It was the same proper nouns as the book, but the plot was at best a strange jumble of all seven. Imagine trying to tell the entire Song of Ice and Fire or Harry Potter series as a 1:40 minute movie.

I would forgive its weird “Dark Tower remixed” storytelling concept, its lack of Eddie & Susannah, and a pretty crummy script if they’d at least gotten Roland right. But they didn’t. They made him into a reluctant hero who literally says he doesn’t care about the Dark Tower. After that, do you think a single fan of

I always thought it would make a good animated show like HBO tried with Spawn a while back.

Mostly it was the lack of Lobstrocities

I thought it was good not great.