Ghost of Mr Chicken

they illegally and dangerously silenced free speech for their own

You are getting paranoid. Let me ask you a simple question - did the Russians change your vote? They didn’t change mine.

Republicans have largely defended Comey, and many left Friday’s briefing with their minds unchanged.

All of the Obama/Clinton dirty schemes are starting to come to light. The mountains of corruption from the three most deplorable politicians of our times, Barack, Hillary and Bill Clinton, are finally being brought to light.

Just wanted you to have the satisfaction of knowing someone read this.... It’s fucking stupid, but I read it...

It could be as simple as there was no solid proof of tampering and the democrats are freaking out because that was their only leverage. Or it could be that the DNC hack was done by an insider of the democratic party. Or there is proof that Russia was involved but deemed to not make a difference in the outcome. Or

Really tired of this “Trump is owned by Russia” meme that Democrats have convinced themselves of.

Yeah, keep it up with the “pigs” stuff. That’s guaranteed to generate empathy.

free-speech suppression

Their actions challenge democracy’s essence and highlight the privilege that white people in positions of power wield: immunity. It is unimaginable that either David or I could enter the Capitol and remove the statue of slavery advocate John C. Calhoun without being accosted and likely arrested.

I have a similar question. From the article:

The only time he was on my radar was when he and Fiona Apple were a couple. They were cute together. Everything was better in the 90's.

Wow, try to make a more bigoted comment. January 1 is the Solemnity of Mary

What is more likely?

Are you joking about that? So you think that California and New York should be able to have all the power in our election process? We are not a democracy, never have been. We are a constitutional republic. The states have equal rights, even though some have more voting power. Your state has the power to set laws, not

Oh, please. Have you even visited places that aren’t CA, NYC or major tourist destinations? Lots of places have arts and cultural exhibits — almost to the point of being stupid. How often are you partaking of cultural exhibits? I live in a place with almost the best of everything in my backyard, and I partake of very

There are a TON of brown people in the South. The dining options in the South and Texas are incredible. There are also very blue areas in places people on the east and west coasts (there are three coasts, people) like to shit on - Houston, New Orleans, Louisville, Nashville, etc. Be the fucking change.

Barf, SF weather. Who wants it to be 63 degrees in July and foggy?

Please stop encouraging liberals to spread out like a cancer.

How’s that affordable housing and homeless population crisis working out for you guys?