Ghost of Mr Chicken

Political parties are not about policy. They’re about posturing. Democrats are obsessed with holding the moral high ground rather than actually doing whatever it takes to fight for their beliefs. It’s fucking stupid. Republicans never make that sacrifice and that’s why they keep winning.

I feel a bit like a garbage person because of it, but I just can’t empathize with complaints about the cost of raising children.

The strategy now seems to be one of, “take your toys, go home, pout, and cross your fingers hoping that all of the worst possible things happen to America so that people will somehow get straightened out and vote Dem in 2020.”

Sure, but there are plenty of white people who like things in black culture too. They’re not lumped in because there is that little physical difference that so many people use to define us... but just like you and nerd culture, they’re still there.

The problem is anything “White Culture” always gets broken down.

This. There is no “white culture” because there are no “white people” as a whole. 100 years ago, few Americans considered themselves the same race as Italians or Irish.

every convenience you have is due to white culture. you dont need to grow up around white dudes to know white culture if you live in the west. you have been privileged by it, sir.

Hillary embraced BLM strictly to get their votes. You are fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

How about we stop worrying over whether Democrats will oppose ever tiny GOP proposal and just focus on opposing the big ones. Like the massive entitlement cuts that Paul Ryan is cooking, and that Trump will probably be convinced to sign.

Maybe.....and I’m just spitballing here.....they should, I don’t know? Support policies that are good for their constituents/the country and say no to policies that they disagree with?

Staying with your husband after he cheats on you is being a doormat. Supporting a massive misogynist and serial sexual predator who brags about being a serial sexual predator, OTOH, is hugely feminist.

Honestly, who is a more of a “pathetic doormat?” A woman who voted for Trump, or a woman who stays with and defends her husband despite years of infidelity and public humiliation, like Hillary?

Forgot a couple of White women:

Notably absent from this list, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Shultz. They might have been Trump’s opposition but there is no way we have a president Trump without them.

Hey, I saw that one in the theater!

You mean a racist incident (whoops, I mean violent attack) on a campus like this one from YESTERDAY?

Blah blah blah.

The Democrats started the fire by pushing such divisive language for so long that Trump was the logical conclusion of the division among the populace. Calling gun owners baby killers in training, calling them racists and Islamophobes for fearing a very real threat. Calling them racists for disagreeing with the

Please don’t tell others how to act or feel.

Look, I’m just as disappointed in this election’s outcome as anyone. But could we all stop with the fucking crying about it? Seriously, put on your fucking big boy and big girl pants and start figuring out what to do now. Jesus fucking
Christ on a stick.

Everything is terrible, and getting worse.