What should they do if a gangbanger talks to them?
What should they do if a gangbanger talks to them?
His math is way wrong. Statistics show he should be far, far more worried about being killed by another black person. Now go ahead and dismiss this comment because it questions your worldview and you can't handle being questioned.
Brown tried to get the cop’s gun. Who the fuck dies that? And just what do you think Brown wanted to do with the cop’s gun? Now go ahead and dismiss this comment because I question your narrative and you can't handle dissent from your worldview.
Why are people throwing bricks at the police??? BRICKS!
Because anyone who disagrees with you is automatically a troll. The Jezebel Hive Mind at work.
If black lives really mattered to these people, they would be protesting ghetto gangbangers and thugs who kill thousands upon thousands of black people every year. That's thousands of black lives taken by Bloods, Crips and other organized crime syndicates in inner cities. Why do those groups, the biggest threat to…
Burn the stores? Now that is great advice. Destroy your neighborhood! Get pregnant at 16. And 17. Drop out of school. Hail gangsta rap and all of its wonderful values! Be disrespectful, speak a dialect that indicates you are poorly educated and inarticulate to those who can hire you. Let them know you are here,…
Blacks who are are murdered are almost certain to have been killed by a black male. Why aren't we protests ghetto gangs and thugs, who kill many, many times the number of blacks than do white cops.
For prisoners who are serving life with no parole, prisons should be a nightmare. For more prisoners serving shorter sentences, it should be ALL about psychological help, intense therapy, basically completely rebooting violent, horrible assholes and hoping they can change for the better. But, for killers serving life,…
It is an emotional need, not a physical need. No way in hell should we pay for convicted killers to have their emotional needs met. Absolute minimum care for convicted killers. They forfeited the right to happiness when they took another’s life.
I have zero compassion for convicted killers. I have great compassion for their victims.
The Constitution says no cruel and unusual punishment, that's all. Heart surgery is something you need, this surgery is something you want. Killers should never, ever get what they want.
Of course it's not covered. She pays for it. Which is something she will never be able to do.
You wanna pay for convicted killers’ nose jobs, face lifts and tummy-tucks as well. Some killers feel really bad about how they look.
She should pay for her own surgery. But she will never be able to. That's good. Killers deserve no mercy.
So being against forcing taxpayers footing the bill to make a convicted killer happy makes me transphobic? Fine, then your support makes you pro-murder.
Then you should pay for it all yourself. Let's make killers feel happy about themselves!!! That so important.
For convicted killers, yes, I oppose all those things and much more.
It's not physically necessary, sorry. That should be the standard. Fuck the mental comfort of a convicted killer. She should suffer. In that way, I'm kinda glad they're letting her out because now she will never have the money to pay for it herself.
It is fucking crazy for taxpayers to have to pay for this shit for convicted killers. Fuck them.