
You're completely wrong on that.

They're hundreds of years behind modern civilizations so it's time they get their shit together. They know better. They need to admit that there is something very, very wrong here. The gap between the first and second worlds and Arab states grows wider every year. They will eventually be destroyed or they will

Then it's really disturbing what Muslim leaders are choosing to practice. And again, why is EVERY Arab country a nightmare? Something is seriously wrong with their culture, their belief systems, their practices and their psychology.

Then why are ALL Arab countries completely fucked up? Why are ALL African Muslim countries completely fucked-up? Only in Asia are a few Muslim countries in passable shape. And they have deep human rights problems. I dunno, something about that religion just ain't right.

No, it doesn't, really. Islam is uniquely violent and hateful. Maybe Christianity was like this 1500, but, uh, that was 500 years ago. So, OK, many, many, many Arabs are about 500 years in the past. Sounds about right.

Hitler was no Catholic, dumbass. He "believed" in some sort of mishmash mysticism, spirituality and ritual. He was a lot of things, but Catholic was not one of them.

He's right about Islam. They're superstitious, backward-looking, Dark Ages fetishists. They hate and fear women, and they will not go after extremists in their midsts.

I'm guessing you don't know much about religion, but you're clueless beyond belief if you think Westboro Baptist was typical of any strain of Christianity. They're a small cult, like the Branch Davidians.

And here's why everyone makes fun of Jezebel commenters. An accused rapist on Jezebel, every time, all the time. No such thing as "alleged" when it comes to a male accused of sexual assault or rape on this site.

Good for you. That won't fuck her up too much. Well, either it will, or she just laugh about you later in life for trying to fuck her up.

Not much would have been lost.

She could have shot him in the face and killed him, ridding the world of one more worthless piece of shit criminal. That's the good that would have come from it.

This is a deal-breaker for me. The end of the line. The final straw. Good-by NBA.

Your opinion has no impact, either. But I've taught high school for 20 years, and I know high school kids. They're more advanced than you think. Trust me, they know what murder and rape are. They know the consequences. No excuses.

No foul balls?

It's never even happened in the history of dads throwing underhand to four-year-olds.

Are you at all familiar with the game called "baseball"?

More of a sonic experiment than a traditional song. I think maybe you had be jacked up on massive amounts of LSD to make it through the whole thing.

A six-year-old no, but a 14-year-old, yes. I think 14 is old enough. Not even 12 or 13, but 14 is high school. And a high school kid knows what murder and rape and armed assault mean.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's because they committed horrible violent crimes and are right where they deserve to be forever.