You just don't get it.
You just don't get it.
Was the Gettysburg Address a great speech or do we just say it was great because there was a war going on? What a dipshit question.
Yes, and I imagine it is a lengthy list
The Regal cineplex in my area—the only game in town—asks itself every week "What would an 11-year-old boy want to see? Lets run that!" Blow-em-ups, superhero sequels and kids movies. That's all we get.
You mean "he." I promise you a man wrote the headline.
I love hockey, but I'm well aware it's pretty much maxed-out in popularity. If you didn't grow up in a hockey town or playing hockey, you're not going to get it. I'm fine with that. I wish NHL teams in the Sun Belt were in Canada and Hartford. You don't need to evangelize.
Why would you say that?
It's a joke. He's joking. He's a comedian, not Thomas Friedman. Louis CK is about the most pro-feminist male comedian I can think of who's working today.
And waste all that slave labor??? Never!
New stadiums and arenas tend to get voted down. Politicians, developers and owners make sweetheart deals that screw the taxpayer.
I agree totally. And I understand the basics of the Big Bang just fine. But, in SCIENCE (bow down, worship, lay yer heads at its mighty feet) you can't make something from...nothing. And you tell me I'm the one who doesn't understand science? I'm not saying it's God in any way humans have ever imagined this force to…
So matter expanded from a single point. OK, great. Where did that matter come from to make a single point so it could expand? How did it collect itself? How and why did the first particle of the expanding point come to be? And why? There's something, a lot of something, beyond the Big Bang. That's what interests me.…
Of course, the Big Bang happened. I'm not disputing that. What I am disputing is that the Big Bang is the first word of the book. A lot happened before the Big Bang and science has nothing to say on it. The Big Bang is probably Chapter 17 or something. A higher power we cannot understand guides this thing. Call it…
Science is pretty fucking clear on the universe's lack of ability to create itself. A power higher than science as we know it put our universe together, and probably many other universes as well. Don't for one minute think science has any clue as to how or why we came into being.
It's not my fault if you don't understand that this universe did not create itself out of nothing. Something came before. Far higher power than your science.
fuck off
You, like most atheists, totally don't get it. I'm very pro-science. In fact, physics says right there on page one that matter can't create itself. Am I wrong on that? Kind of a big hurdle to get around without going into all kinds of "yeah, but.." and "under special, unique circumstances, perhaps..." Bullshit. Either…
I've taught philosophy and comparative religion courses in high school. It comes up. It came up in my English classes all the time, as well.
Atheism is what is actually the insane belief. I love that "big bang theory" fairy tale. All the whole universe done got itself together somehow after, get this, after creating itself in an abyss, in a place with no space or time, it somehow (magically)heated itself up real hot, real, real, hot-like and then one day,…
You'd have to give an example of such a question.