
Too bad, Hawaii could probably use an extra doctor right now.

When she’s not busy defending child rapists or drumming up social media beef for free viral publicity?  Sure... Maybe?

JB Smoove could replace almost anyone and it would be an improvement.

Worth it.

The amount of episodes I’m going to watch to get primed for Ahsoka is 0, because if the writing isn’t able to tell a complete story without all that homework, it’s a failure by the creative team.

You can’t choose your TV family, unfortunately for Jodie Sweetin

Sweetin is cool and beautiful and an awesome person.

Most of us do. The show isn’t whimsical - the reviewer is very off here. It’s dark humor, used, skillfully, to amplify the real tragedies of the Opioid epidemic. Painkiller puts the viewer in the eye of the hurricane - from that vantage point anything can be absurd and frightening, yet also the truth.  Taylor Kitsch,

I can’t imagine KC Green being OK with this.

I still crack up at the “And now the severe beating of a high school janitor“. Juvenile sure but hearing him demand to let go of his sideburns as the beating happens gives me the giggles.

When I watched this movie a few years ago I wasn’t emotionally ready for how accurately it would capture the year 2000 (i.e. it has a Virgin Megastore in it).

Shout out to Regine Johnson mentioned in the article. Stark is our home county and we never, ever have lines to vote here like we see in other areas of Ohio/US.

Toshinden did it for me too. I was a big fighting game fan. One of the employees at a small game chain location near me imported the PS1 about 6 months before the launch. Prior to walking into that store, I knew of the PlayStation but I was 100% holding out for the N64 as I loved my SNES and NES before that. I walked

Boom roasted!

Wow. Incredible. Haven’t looked at that in decades. That video belongs in a museum. The grimacing, the edgy teletubbies rip off, the fake goth SMG. Perfection. A perfect time capsule.

god. why cant he go explore the ocean or something?

Good guy does good thing. We need more of these stories.

The last time I ever went to a Gamestop was a similar experience, it was for the launch of the Xbox One, I already had the console waiting at home via Amazon delivery and I wanted to pick up Forza 5, they said they didn’t have any that weren’t preordered. So I went over to Best Buy across the parking lot where they

The Internet has really screwed brick and mortar to where in some cases one even wonders what they think their business is anymore.

Ugh, that really isn’t a selling point. It means the maps will be full of pointless filler and chests to fill the space out. It was that tedium that made me give up on AC: Valhalla.