
Is it possible—stick with me here—that after nearly 20 years of having Marvel and DC movies crammed down their throats, today’s movie-going audiences are a little superheroed-out?

(If this ends up being some bullshit gacha game I will still enjoy watching all the cutscenes on YT 100x more than most games I will actually play this year)

I’m just baffled how anyone could say anything unkind about this living legend.  I really think it comes down to some people just feel so threatened by someone so talented and successful, gasp, happy, that they need to tear down.  

i know everyone loves this show so i try not to shit on it too much, but i do find the notion ‘we initially conceived this spinoff from a series of commercials as 3 seasons.’ to be a very funny artistic statement.

That difference is Batista can actual act.  

I’m one of the 17 people who love that movie.

“Quick guys! Change from “shoot-the-purple-blob-the-game to shoot-the-highlighted-red-area-the-game.”

Ooh! Like a Star Wars parody of those car restoration/hot rodder shows?

Please don’t contaminate Bob’s with this nonsense.

Oh man. That video was tough to watch. All the obvious problems aside, Sagi doesn’t even rhyme with sake, damn it!

This guy was not only a serial abuser of multiple of his girlfriends, he was also credibly accused of raping an 11-year-old, and the only reason the settlement was thrown out of court was because of the case occurring outside the statute of limitations.

You get OC & Stiggs out of your mouth! That movie is bonkers and amazing - King Sunny Ade, Paul Dooley, Dennis Hopper, Ray Walston, Jon Cryer, Jane Curtain, all of the total Schwabbiness? It’s probably his best film after McCabe and Mrs. Miller and Nashville.

“Ready to Wear” (or “Prêt-à-Porter”) is by far Altman’s worst. I walked out of the theater.

Popeye is amazing. Still holds up from my childhood wearing-out-the-VHS.

Miami Vice is hardly Mann’s worst film and is, in my opinion, his most underrated. It’s fucking awesome.

Hartnett says two words in that movie that have stayed with me ever since: “Bad Dog.”

Hartnett was oddly charming in Penny Dreadful. I mean, yeah, hard to notice because Eva Green was there, but he did fine.

Weird. I love it.
