
This trailer keeps making me think Pokemon: The White Lotus.

I was coming into the comments to be like “Fuck Godzilla: King of the Monsters*, Ingrid Goes West gang, we outchea!”

Kevin Conroy’s last work, everyone.

My favorite part is the people playing as the crazy fans who insist she never did anything wrong and the movie is slandering her.

He is our hero.

I don’t watch a lot of anime, but when I check out popular suggestions, they tend to be some of the best movies I’ve ever seen. Perfect Blue was a prime example of this. I became obsessed after I saw it.

It really does.

Yesterday Twitter’s main character was a guy who was furious that one of the Transformers was trans.

Do... Do not type "masters of the universe revlation" into the yt search bar... 

Look, Tituss Burgess shoulda played Ursula. Casting Melissa McCarthy’s fine, but sub-optimal.

I suspect that’s literally all Lee and Kirby were thinking, probably while sharing a spliff and having intermittent giggle fits.

I hope all the celebs who did crypto commercials last year got paid in crypto

Nepo-nephews are the worst.

That’s not true and you know it.

Vindication for my huge crush on Thane here.

Ya’ll scared of the beyhive? Prince is #1 and it’s not close. 

Get fucked racist nerds, the source material was always racist and anti-semitic 

What totally fun and not at all dog whistle content we’re learning about