
Futurama did it.

I’m not a big Tesla fan, especially of Elon if you see my post comments, but having someone who works for the “enemy” writing op pieces for an Investor site who has a vested interested in Tesla losing market valuation is a little shady. 

“Will you take a check?” - Lenny Dykstra 

Svengoolie’s on MeTV, MST3000's been rebooted, and now MonsterVision is coming back. Maybe this isn’t quite the darkest timeline possible after all.

Man, fuck that. Mr Rogers taught how to have self esteem but not at the expense of compassion for other people. You can feel good about yourself AND not be an entitled fuck head. I don't think any of those shitheads get that

This is an OUTRAGE.

And here I thought Kevin Costner ruined the Robin Hood franchise forever. 

i mean, that’s a bit myopic and hyperbolic.

hell bernie madoff scammed people for millions, if not billions this guy lost less than 5k

could argue the mortgage lending crisis was trillions, and was an orchestrated scam.

student loan debt, is an ongoing gov backed scam.

flint michigan, the oil pipelines going through

One of these days we’ll finally get a chance to fly around in space exploring and fighting in personalized ships... and some time after that Star Citizen should come out.

The biggest scam ever in video game history, probably one of the largest across all industries, yet people will defend this shit til the day they die and how it’s not a scam.

Anyone who has used knows this is no deal, only a headache.  

Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.

Starts great with a boring finish.

Less brick walls

the fact it’s built on Duke 3D’s cover is just the best.

From what I’ve heard, she was offered it and declined.

::sniffling::  He’s beating angels now.

“Notorious child abuser dead at 89.”

Rot, motherfucker.