
So we can get a Manchin or a Feinstein that has the ‘D’ in the title, but vote along Trump policy lines the majority of the time?

Go fuck yourself. 

He gets shot early in the third so they can swap him out with Wesley Snipes, since they have this bizarre “one person of a certain ethnicity at a time” rule. You honestly didn’t miss much anyway.

“Finn Wolfhard” is a much more clever porn name than “Danny Sexbang.”

I didn’t understand any of this. So Tarquin Fin-Tim-Lin-Bin-Whin-Bim-Lim Bus Stop F’tang F’tang Olé Biscuit Barrel Wolfhard is a sex pervert?

My favorite part of that episode is Joe starting to sing the song in church and instead of anyone making fun of him everyone else joins in. 

She tried to HIDE! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

I liked Nightbreed, and I saw Master of Illusion in the theater, but I don’t remember a whole lot. I know I liked it, but I liked most things back then.

Great retrospective. He also showed that Mick Foley could be a main eventer without changing his style, albeit five years before the WWF allowed Foley to give it a try. Sure, it cost Foley his ear, but that was Vader for ya.

There’s that old Gawker feeling.

WB should do crowdfund the Snyder version. I’m not kidding. If WB came out and said ‘Hey, we need to crowdfund 40 million dollars in blu-ray sales (or whatever) to make this worth it, and we need to subsidize the effects costs, and YOU get a chance to have your stupid name in the credits’ people would definitely do it.

Isn’t Snyder busy looking for an even dumber audience with the Fountainhead?

Due process is exactly what’s happening. It’s standard human resources procedure to put people on leave while credible allegations are investigated. There are enough witnesses that the company has already talked to to make it a credible allegation. Read the details instead of reacting to the headlines. “Due Process”


Is this post she did about Chris Hardwick? I mean, he’s the only one that comes to mind... but he’s also the only one I know she dated.

‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.

Yeah, I mean, soliciting professional quality work IS ENTIRELY THE SAME as children drawing with crayons.

Fuck them for trying to pull this shit.