
Naw, let’s shame the fucking Nazis every chance we get. They literally want to see a good portion of the world’s population dead, in a ghetto, or subjugated, fuck their feelings.

Yes, it’s on Adult Swim.

I dare you to find me someone more self-righteous and dead inside than a higher education administrator. At least the vampire capitalists are honest about their intentions.

So...standard reaction to Fallon, then.

System of a Down and Tool are still great bands...just don’t get too obsessed over them and you’re fine.

“God has no place inside these walls, just like facts have no place within organised religion!”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You cannot satirize President Donald Trump. Those last three words are already more absurd than any joke you’ll think up. He transcends satire. Satire is built around taking the truth and heightening it. Increase the stakes, increase the absurdity. A reality show star has the

As long as we get to see him play The Riddler sometime.

Did you watch the first season of Hap & Leonard?

Yay!, someone else who doesn’t think Firefly was good.

Damn the left! .. turning on someone that turns out to be shitty.

If you get pissed off by a comic strip, make a Family Circus dotted line path into traffic.

It’s obviously Elena’s evil twin. The actual Elena model doesn’t have an air of malice lurking just behind her eyes, even if she has a higher body count.

lol @ “racist as possible to whites”


I always thought Simpsons was a pretty liberal show... but if you just search on twitter right after they aired said episode, right wing people all came out in support of the show, so I guess it’s bridging divides... And Al Jean is now subtweeting National Review.

Awesome opinion, bro.

Serves those Commie bastards right.

Ironically enough, TJ Miller actually had a bomb is his bag.

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.