
Sit in a lounging chair and sip some aged whiskey. At least thats what I’d do.

Youtubers like this are the new generation of Radio Shock Jocks; empty and vapid content that aims for trashy and offensive, disturbingly popular, and annoying as all fucking hell.

While you are following this could I interest you in a pre-order?

Yes, but Reddit is a privately owned operation so they can do whatever the fuck they want, thank god. They are under no obligation to give those shit-munchers a platform.

Real question is: what would be the point, then?

“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It’s a way of understanding it.”
Lloyd Alexander

Spencer did nazi that coming....

I’ll only believe it’s a Hitchhiker’s Guide reference if there was a bowl of petunias somewhere nearby.

“If Overwatch characters were Disney princesses!”

And I’m glad I haven’t yet, because I’m sure it isn’t good.

I like Felix as a person. I have no interest in Pewdiepie.
If he’s dropping the nonsense and acting more like himself, I may actually finally start watching....

We’ve been eating Gamera!

Pictured: Bethesda QA spokesman.

That man looks cold.. We should get him a blanket

I also get a little pep in my step with other people’s misfortune.

Viewed extremely cynically, the more people discouraged from the career by the game, the fewer potential competitors he will have in the future, and they’re paying him for the privilege (the game itself).

We’re all waiting to embrace the void

Try this again, make it rhyme;