
Who forgot to invite Chun-Li to the Super Mario Bros.?

All that money on a LotR show and all people want to watch on Amazon Prime is dad shows like Reacher, Jack Ryan, The Terminal List, and my man Bosch. Who else is excited for Reacher Season 2?

I think I just don’t like fantasy outside of a video game setting. 

The Ink Black Heart is 1024 pages long! 

Seth Rogen actually tried for Observe & Report but no one watched that.

James Gunn only listens to greatest hits albums. All killer no filler for that guy.

I liked Rumbleverse :(

I always preferred the Sandman’s chemistry with Drew Barrymore mostly because I think The Wedding Singer still holds up. 

I simply can’t justify paying more than the price of a PS5 for something that still seems like a novelty all these years later.

So that really was Tim Meadows? 

Mr. Toad’s Wild Hate Crime

In the live action movie Toad was played by Mojo Nixon. Pretty funny to imagine Toad singing “Elvis is Everywhere” and “Tie my Pecker to my Leg”.

cool beans!

Imagine if she brought enough champagne to fill the Nile. It’s easy if you try.

I too enjoy We Anderson movies and this looks like a hoot and a half.

I remember Free Guy got similarly high review and audience score and that movie was utter dog shit. That said I’m of the opinion that the best movies on Rotten Tomatoes hover around 50% or have high review scores but terrible audience scores.

when do we get to the Peter Griffin factory? 

Does this means Disney is going to start paying their VFX artists fair wages and have them work reasonable hours all because they fired this one person? 

If your piss is the color of nacho cheese please seek medical attention. 

I’m sure it wasn’t any of the former Twitter employees good ol’ Elmo fired.