The Ghost of Cesar Chavez

Series trademark: Bruce Willis' head is beaten into paste by repeated blows.

Ocean's 3D is a big pass.

As others have pointed out on this very site, the cold opening and every other Super 8 film shown were the best parts of the movie. The tree scene, in particular, came from one of the filmmaker's nightmares, so you know that whole clip was a labour of love.

I went into Sinister cold this week. I was waffling on whether or not the film was stupid, and then they threw in a completely gratuitous jump scare at the end to confirm that it was.

I appreciate that you were upvoted by subtlety.

They usually send more than one still, so I'll maintain there was a choice.

So all that, but you're just going to use the still where they're in the bathtub?

The A.V. Club
The kind that’s funny right up until it’s not funny at all.

The A.V. Club
Here, that switch doesn’t flip until a little later on, but the buildup
has enough funny exchanges and character moments that it makes up for
any slow pacing.

It deserves The Punisher recast with Chris Kattan.

Date - Rooney
Marry - Kate
Fuck - Andy

I believe you mean…


Can you send me a new one? My telepathic gorilla just wants to bitch about the evils of agriculture.

"I'll name you 'Speak'! BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO!"

*steels eyes, attaches Nunchuk*

And they only made them Italian because of their stilted running pattern.

Pfft. Clunky and graceless! Nothing like my chosen sport, the Wiimote!

Моя мать была святой!

With old men? That might be specific to your school.