
Dude, he was a KNOWN Nazi sympathizer. Give it up. 

I’ve just never in the mood to watch Treme.

Honestly, the actress who played Kim’s mom looked so much like her that at first I thought it WAS Kim. For a moment, I thought we were getting a flash-forward showing Kim, years later, as an alcoholic mom and it made my hair stand up on end.

Is Jimmy’s resentment at the legal establishment just ultimately his continued unresolved resentment towards Chuck?

Poor Howard. That was a good one, though. “I don’t know any tugboat” got a laugh out of me

Did not see that coming until about 2 seconds before it landed. I thought she was out.

But then, Jimmy was always going to end up dead to us in any sense that mattered. Don’t want to oversell the show, but I halfway understand how it must’ve been to be an attendee at the Theatre of Dionysus ... where everyone knew how things must turn out, but attendance was all about watching what had to be unwinding

This shows production values are fucking insane. Future LA looked amazing. The special effects have always been really good in the show, but going into actual cities and having flying cars and shit was insane. No wonder this took two years to make.

Remember when Sarah Palin was the worst person you could imagine to become president?

Again, missing the forest for the trees here. Nobody is saying that alex jones is not a total asshole and his fans are not lunatics. i’m more concerned about a generation of people quietly propagating psuedo science to their kids than some asswipe going into comet pizza with a gun. both are horrible, but the horror

Counterpoint: look at all the people in your social sphere and count how many of them believe alex jones type bullshit, then count how many of them would buy some bullshit from goop or another new age crock. unless you’re being willfully ignorant to reality, the latter will be a much larger group.

in the short term, yes, i agree. but GP’s con seems somehow more insidious because products are less physically damaging and/or morally repugnant, but have the potential to inflict longer term damage to societal norms about actual science.

her business model is the same as fucking alex jones. and we should be villifying her to the extent that he is. fucking con artists pushing bullshit narratives. 

i love how quickly, and hard, the meme sphere hit this candle:

Now playing

I feel like we need a list of iconic ‘pooping’ or ‘fart’ scenes in movies now...

while i don’t disagree with your assessment, i have to say this:

fleetwood mac AND steely dan in the top 5? you people are monsters. both of those bands need to be put in a rocket and launched to the sun. 

Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.

And a freaking great Brian Dennehy performance.