
Between this guy, Fuckface Shkreli and Ted Cruz, I’ve had more than my fill of smug, punchable faces this month.

Can we discuss how, due to Gawker Media’s new company ‘vision’, we do not have our own Republican debate live thread? Kudos to Gawker for ‘allowing’ Jezebel to be included in their thread, but FUCK Gawker for making the feminist website all about gossip, et al. They declare themselves to be liberal and yet continue to

Excellent reporting. I hope that Jezebel keeps publishing stuff like this rather than being dumbed down totally thanks to Denton’s plan to make the site all about celebrities.

Because, they’re not actually “pro-life” they’re “pro-birth”. They could give 2 shits what happens after birth.

What is the best course of action for human oil machines?

It’s a fancy shampoo/conditioner combo. Never trust those things. There’s a reason god created shampoo and conditioner separately.

I say we all start sending these yahoos our soaked tampons and pads so they can cherish all the pre-babies that tragically were flushed from the womb due to no fertilization. I think they'd appreciate the chance to mourn. I know there are medical waste disposal measures that facilities must follow but I personally

Same here. If I ever got married, I would definitely keep my name. One of the reasons I feel that way is because my family name “ends” with my generation. There are no sons. I love my name, and I love the people who gave it to me. I’m proud of my family and my name, and I want people to know who I am.

Could be! I feel so bad for her. Her in-laws are OK people outside of this issue. Luckily they live a few hours’ drive from them, so visits are infrequent. But I just can’t believe how rude they are about this one thing.

Hope you’re all big Cymbeline fans!

I also don’t have anything.

Alan is blonde, and 6’4”. Not muscle-y. Super smart. Very classy, but he says “fuck” a lot. I dig him.

I’m super-excited!!! Aside from all of the special guest lecturers in my masters program, I’m assistant directing for a local Shakespeare in the Park program this summer and will be the dramaturg for two Shakespearean productions next fall (well, one might be a Marlowe piece if we can’t get the rights – fingers

I would pay admission to see this.

Remember, folks, punching someone who thinks Chrisopher Marlowe or the Earl of Oxford wrote the plays is legal in all English speaking countries!

Literary nerds unite! I’m giddy about this!!

Also! The first folio will be on tour! It stops in all 50 states, and when it comes to MY state, it will be at the university I work for! My little English major heart is exploding.

At that time being a Freemason meant you were connected to the local power structure, a substantial citizen. A real catch.

Anything that says “others things are better than actual food are the best kinds of food” is talking a load of crap anyways. Except you don’t actually get to crap and have to eat raw bran or psyllium husk so you can actually poop. Sad fact is how much money and influence they get from a certain mindset, which is the