Indeed, it’s unbelievable that somehow the thought of Trump being president actually generates nostalgia for George W.
Indeed, it’s unbelievable that somehow the thought of Trump being president actually generates nostalgia for George W.
I figured it out! GW paid Trump to run and win so he no longer goes down as the worst president ever.
I’ve been speaking of him fondly lately, and I have no fucking idea what has happened. It’s a barometer of the times, and being nostalgic for a presidency that started a completely unnecessary war which proceeded to destabilise an entire region scares the hell out of me.
I think the orange skin and preposterous hair are fair game. He does those things to himself on purpose. It speaks to the man’s lack of sense, decorum, and taste, all of which are important for someone who aspires to be the face of the nation.
Are you kidding me? How fast would his mother smash him upside the head with a frying pan for that kind of nonsense.
I feel this way about attacks on Christie’s weight. Yes, he’s an asshole, but it’s rude and lazy and we’re better than this.
I completely agree with you, but it’s still so alarming to hear it from the frigging presidential candidate, no? I cannot imagine, for all his faults and flaws, George W. having ever even considered saying these kind of things in any kind of public forum (or even a private one).
go fuck yourself
Go through the roof, Trump. Keep going. Way up into the atmosphere. Into the sun.
Wow, my keyboard felt quite strongly about that.
Grading on a curve.
Yeah I don’t really get the cognitive dissonance in slamming Trump for being an asshole about appearances by... slamming Trump for his appearance. There are 1,001 other ways to go after him that have nothing to do with his face or his skintone or his hair.
Good point, two wrongs don’t make a right. We can call Trump a hypocrite without being cruel.
What a piece of work, there’s a reason his kids turned out so much better than him, he wasn’t really involved in raising them.
Hate to be a party pooper, but really don’t like the attacks on Trump’s appearance as a response to his own personal repulsiveness.
Those people despise women as much as he does.
Some people want this man to represent our country to the world. Appalling.
As a woman whose father has been sexually attracted to her his whole life, I feel all sorts of bad for Ivanka.
I really love this ad. It feels less like an attack ad and more like a PSA about the dangers of Trump, much in the style of an ad about drunk driving or heroin. (And both seem like better decisions than voting for Trump.)