
I hope WP8 will sync with Outlook without going through Windows Live (or anything else on the cloud). I'm so mad my current WM7 phone won't sync thru USB that I'm ready to set this phone out on the curb.

so, what happens when one of those gets into a multi-vehicle accident? Do the lines come down? What happens to the other electric vehicles behind it if they do fall? How long will it take to re-open a highway with electrical lines all over it?

Years ago, it was a blue-screen technique that was used (the original Superman movie and most sci-fi's like Star Wars were done this way) Does anyone know how, when, or why it switched to green screen?

Seriously, who makes that laser protection thing and why don't they use them in concerts to prevent YouTube videos from cellphones?

yer full of it, dude. got any proof? (REAL proof? not liberal media smooth talking....quantitative proof)

LOL...excellent. Detroit need a bunch of these (minus hub caps)

reducing law enforcement/defense doesn't make people nicer or make crime go down. Lay off the rainbows and kool-aid.

lol...excellent comment......I'm impressed that Gawker left your "explanation' on the post. Good news for us comedic genius's, bro.....

The actual cost of the accident was $3.85 million, and 99 cents because of the Prius. :)

yeah thanks, Wrigley...there's just nothing better than listening to some neanderthal who can't chew with their mouth closed.

every instance i've seen of IE not working with something is because the website designer didn't make it compatible. Not the other way around.

they don't spend anything on R&D because they don't actually invent anything...they just license or steal it from the people who do (see current patent wars)

To get back to the subject of the article.....

i think a similar thing was done many years ago on the first few Star Wars movies. (pretty sure it appears in the "Making Of.." features) I believe the man's name was Ben Burtt who did the sound for them.

that's only because there are no important articles on Giz anymore. It's basically become a Mactard page.

that $0.01 licensing fee isn't a very good example. Chewing gum licenses are higher than that.

no, Apple is the industry's rip-off department

that's right.....I flew shortly after 9/11 and a middle eastern looking gentleman stood up to go to the bathroom. A dozen or so men stood up at the same time.

EXACTLY! ain't nobody gonna hijack a plane that I'M on....

uh, i follow ya on most of that, but how do you kill someone with a "plastic bottle of water purchased after passing through security"?