
anybody notice a pattern of these incidents around the country? Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

somebody would have...not me, but somebody

Seems like I read recently a far better study (that is, more reasonable) that simply said hot dogs have no nutritional value. Mostly fat, and salt, and the protein in them isn't worth sh$t.

"The Truth", where this POS came from, is a typical left-wing nutjob website where everything is Bush's fault (9-11, Katrina) and the 'vast right wing conspiracy" is real.

yeah, uh, you guys making excuses and railing against this technological feat realize it's a fraction of the cost of welfare/affirmitive action for people who would never defend our country, much less help themselves?

99% huh? That's funny, because when Al Fraud Gore came out with his Inconvenient Poop, something like 4000 scientists worldwide signed a letter saying he was full of shit.

uhhhh...didn't Intel design this (LightPeak) with fiber optics?

no kidding...that was pretty cool

Think of how much money we would save if nobody smoked. We may not have a budget problem at that point.

I'm still laughing over the fact that Apples iCloud is run on Microsoft Azure servers

proud to be one of the 3 or 4 remaining humans without a Facebook page!

ha ha! excellent point

I'd kinda like to try one of these out. I lug around a bunch of Storm Cases, but for small needs, these may work. I'm sure they aren't as protective as the Storm Cases for long travel or excursions, but they look nice.


yeah, i don't recall that plane having all those corporate logo's all over it. Fortunately, none of them are the Golden Arches.

they realize you can't take off going up an incline, right?

Hopefully the guy taping this mayhem got out and slapped the shit out of that dumbass for not noticing he was driving off the road for miles and causing a wreck (which easily could have been a fatality)

finally! a good use for an iPad.

I'm sure you guys are telling the truth and there are some BB stores operating honestly. But that's not true for all of them.

yeah, before any of you limp-wristed liberals start blaming George Bush for your lifelong virginity...remember, your boy Bubba, when he was President, redirected the entire 4th Fleet so he could have his picture taken. The auditors at the GAO figured it out to be $400 million from OUR pocketbook.