
Well it’s a compound emergency: engine failure and a rapid depressurization and unknown damage to the aircraft. Who knows how well it handled after shrapnel peppered the left leading edge of the wing and that big, dead, twisted engine hanging in the breeze?

Sure sounds like Mueller is ready to show his hand.

This does not bode well for Trump. Mueller obviously has the goods on him, knows that Trump will lie in a deposition in any case, and is quietly proceeding.

It’s not clear from this or the NBC port, but this is just referring to one piece of the Mueller investigation. The whole Russian interference mess is a separate, much bigger piece that may well not be delivered until after the election. The Michael Cohen - Stormy Davis payoff case that just got referred to another

Heck, Obama could have just run while being “a dirty n*gger” and they would have been foaming at the mouth… Oh, wait… They did.

Oh, it’s a fantastic comment, and earned its stars. My brain is just a little mushy.

Actually there should be some sort of random number generator involved to remove any possible emergent logic.

Obama could’ve run with a clean record but have a Trump-ian five kids with three wives, and Faux News and Southern wypipo would’ve lost their goddamn minds.

> whataboutface

Nerd is often not an insult. For instance, had I seen that comment first, I might well have replied with, ‘A nice* and nerdly forecast: well done sir-or-madam!’

Hmmm, that actually sounds like a net win!!!

Yes. Rock the Vote. Primary season is coming up and if you’re registered, you can vote for a candidate. If they make it to the final ballot, volunteer to get out the vote, either canvassing, telebanking, leafleting, whatever. In Philly, we managed to get a former civil rights attorney elected DA and he’s doing good

Too bad. Would have loved to see Trump interact with Mueller face to face after subtly threatening a man who cannot be intimidated.

I don’t think anyone would be alive on Fox News as their blood pressure would surely have reached at least 560/320 due to outraged yelling.

Their sudden concern for fair treatment at the hands of the law is a pretty amazing whaboutface.

I just want you all to imagine what Fox news is like right now in a universe where Obama is;

That’s only the obstruction portion. The Russian matter is different.

This TrumpBot algorithm is slightly more complicated than the actual Trump

Republican controlled congress is agast at this clear show of guilt and feels that Hillary should be brought back for more questions about Bengazi and her role in supplying the guns at the bowling green massacre.

I love how trump supporters are always crowing about “perjury traps”, regarding trump being under oath. They act like its some sort of sinister left wing trap to get trump to lie under oath. trump will lie under oath because trump is a pathological liar and he cannot help himself.