You mean start all the people that were drafted with the 1st and 2nd picks????? What is this black magic you wield.
You mean start all the people that were drafted with the 1st and 2nd picks????? What is this black magic you wield.
U2 9/11 tribute show was the best ever. Everyone else is fighting for second
Difference of opinion.......must be fired.
This is going to change...exactly.....what?
Private dinner meeting is held at someones household not in a public restaurant you DOLT!!
Can you imagine if he was black?!?! THE OUTRAGE!
If that is true then she needs to get out of that sport. If you feel suicidal after losing a bout then you need to get a softer profession.
Agreed, this piece felt like a personal cutdown. Kanye and Drake hasn’t put anything out that is marginally better.
Wait...Cleveland...sports?? I know those two words but together they make no sense?