Ghost Chili Enema Medicine

For sure. He’s also the Bill Belichick of the rock world: suspicious of, and often truculent with, reporters, which sometimes leads to the kind of wagon-circling snark-piece from fellow journalists that Reid has furnished here.

Bowie’s biggest hit album in the 70s sold in the ballpark of 600k units in the UK, which sported a population of 55M at the time, so roughly 1 in 100 people there bought Ziggy. In the 90s, over 1 in 100 people I knew in the US bought Fugazi records and the band was still pretty damn underground—and owning those

Are the utterly humorless, largely oblivious-to-your-obvious-joke replies you’re getting typical of this site? I mean, it’s a welcome stinger you’re dishing out, but it’s not exactly subtle satire.

Also—who do you have to blow to get out of the greys here? I have a standing Kinja account, plenty functional elsewhere. I’ve been ‘approved’ or replied to over and over even on this site—a system that frankly disgusts me, but whatever. Still nothing doing. It’s enough to discourage me from bothering.

I feel this article is a step in a valuable direction but almost accidentally, without a compass. The connection to ‘whiteness’ is weak, assumed mostly with a shared nod between like-minded readers. What are we talking about here?

No—nor with adults. I don’t care for them. They blunt some of the pressure and WTF of it all for me.

MYSTERIUM. It’s a co-op Clue where one player is *the ghost of the victim,* who sends clues to the psychic investigators about the culprit, location and weapon...via their dreams.

Decency, Christianity, Justice, the Truth, and Evolution all have your repulsive ass in the rearview mirror, homes. Adios.

WHO the fuck are you guys and why aren’t we having a beer? I thought my best friend and I were the only two souls alive that loved The Fountain. This made my day.

I agree with you on the Lynch angle (though I wouldn’t call his usually freighted images ‘meaningless’ so much as ‘somewhat submerged’). Little to do with Aronofsky’s far more operatic, straightforward style. I strongly object to your characterization of Aronofsky as a mere peddler of brute obviousness, though.

Thanks for taking the time to explain to an absolute Philistine like me. Does this Kinja system ever grow on one? It’s not winning upfront.

Right. Duh. Thanks. First-time Kinja user. God, this sucks. I was no Disqus fan but this is bullshit. Very hard to follow conversations.

Is’re a trick account, right? I mean you can’t be serious.

This cannot possibly be upvoted enough.

At the risk of being a white dude making more unwelcome noise, I fully endorse this stance, would like to offer my empathy, respect, and ongoing involvement, and will now do so in silence for awhile.

I’m going to just out myself as an asshole that knows nothing. What are ‘greys’?

I was very impressed with the official #Blacklivesmatter organization (rather than the broad cultural movement) when it explicitly aligned with all non-cis people, probably knowing that it would deprive them of a lot of national support. And guess what? It did. I’m Catholic, and I’ve been confronted in my church—by

Perhaps what Joker and Thief intended was a gesture of empathy and recognition that oh, damn, everybody is struggling with this in one way or another—so I feel you on some root level, now lemme listen to the ways that black America’s struggle with this is more specific? And maybe the comment could’ve stood to make the

I’m not sure why people have indulged in this WTF! OMG! attitude toward the film, which I feel has kindamstood in the way of real critical and emotional engagement with it. It is very upfront about its Biblical basis, and about mother’s role as ‘the rest of Nature besides humanity.’ As for its intensity, it’s about

I don’t usually check the bylines before I read articles here, but whenever I find something irksome, I wonder aloud, ‘did Barsanti write this snide shit?’