Ghost Chili Enema Medicine

I believe in some people not being able to tell the modern Motion software look is on (and utterly sucks) about as much as I believe there’s a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap.

Is it pretty much over? It’s over, right?


I refute this common misconception. There’s hints of it informing some design but it’s not a governing scheme. Most all examples do not arrange clearly in it. A sharper one is, I think, is Utility<—>Posturing. (A subcategory of Posturing is ‘Fucked Up Faces/Masks.’) Good guys, and people whose inner lives we’re

I’ll check that out, thanks for the tip.

On the other hand, it’s probably a welcome cover for the fact that adolescence is temporarily paralyzing—or hyperadrenalizing—all his acting muscles.

Pantera. Full stop.

The experiences of such people are too diverse to describe with any justice in one pithy rejoinder, but for a good number of them, the answer to your question would be ‘because it’s a brutal, unforgiving gig that eats uncounted (and usually uncompensated) extra man-hours out of its staffers *just* to balance on a

A day after the season wrapped and a speculation piece about the series finale has drawn...52 replies? Has this site also fallen to the Night King?

Have I been missing something? I tried this podcast and fell asleep. His vampire analysis was neither historically revealing nor thematically insightful to me. I’d rather jam on Imaginary Worlds.

Can’t a magickal dude take care of himself? He’s the Josh Brolin of lippy wizards.

Two or three episodes back? The one with Bobby and Shelley talking with their daughter, and then he has to run outside because of the gunshot. The impatient car in traffic contained a girl whose mother declared was ‘sick.’ She vomits in a creepy, un-vomit-y fashion.

Two things I now think I was crazy to think were obvious things everyone thought:

If there is not a ton of innate excellence in Light, there is nothing in him for L to find fascinating other than his technical criminal proficiency. The manga and cartoon L really believed in Light having a soul, however much it was corrupting under its own weight.

I can grant that a few extras would've better matched the true percentages, and would've been a welcome nod towards a larger goal of inclusion. I guess. Though I dislike tokenism, and I don't recall seeing any merchant ships in the film (where lascars would've been seen, though their concentration in this part of the

I think it is when it's put to an individual artist that has credible interests elsewhere. Nolan had clear humanist objectives; whether he satisfied them well is a matter of argument (I think he did), but that he took aim at them is difficult to dispute. They are worthy objectives. He did not artificially erase anyone

Fuckin A. Irony taking it in the jimmy is worth anything short of Mao-grade cultural regression.

I love all those, and drift in general. But this specific one is a purposeful running away from a mode of thought the modern world doesn't like.

You're arsing me pretty hard, Margot, on a quick word choice (that I think is defensible—Phaedra's love is 'mighty' in its immensity and intractability, however much I think Seneca is a hack), but coming awfully blase about word choices in general. I'd, like, emoji-wink you here, but I hate that shit. Guess I have a

Black Bolt just mentioned that Big Star has some fresh material.