Ghost Channels

You’re not. He’s a ding-dong.

Guys, this is a PSA: you know you that with Kinjamprove you can block KeyserRoll and not see his dumb, bad comments, right? I did it the other day and seriously, it’s awesome.

Alex Jones is a fucking joke, though. I am pretty sure we can go back to ignoring him.

Don’t be sorry. Your comments show that you’re a loving, karen person

Probably standard issue fat shaming.

I’ve seen fewer Chins on my Riverside, CA paper route.

I’ve seen healthier skin on month-old corpses.

Co-signed by his legal partner, Buff McLargehuge and dictated to his secretary Rock Hardchest.

I’ve seen thicker skins on soap bubbles.

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Yeah, of any Legion scene, I still think the “Bolero” sequence (or, as you say, the “Silent Movie sequence”) is one of the finest TV scenes and uses of music in a visual medium in quite some time...

Frankly, I don’t mind paying a little extra for services by the small mom & pop ISP company I’ve been using since 1994. I’ve met the owners and they’re a family owned company who almost had to close up shop thanks to those expensive government regulations. Now without government interference breathing down their

The hottest and most generic of takes.

Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.

Thing is:

Fun fact: it’s actually Al Franken-stein’s monster. Common misconception.

Not every boomer is Trump or Clinton, but Biden is definitely cut from the same cloth. He’s a Kennedy-style, hawkish, business-friendly centrist Democrat with a ton of political baggage. He would undoubtedly be an improvement over Trump and possibly over a hypothetical Hillary Clinton administration, but we, as a

Whenever he isn’t working, I see Sean at my Church. Sure, he says some incredibly stupid things, but I’ve seen him organize multiple feed the homeless drives, and he was one of the few parishioners who was openly welcoming of the homosexual couple that just joine——hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Holy shit! I’m

Obama sold us out to the insurance and health system lobbies

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We’ve treated US cult racist figures as idiots here in the UK for a long time now.

Good. The Richard Spencer/Charles Murray/Breitbart type of racist wants desperately to be cool. Their entire modus operandi is trying to rebrand the image of “racist” from toothless hick into cool pop culture leader. (These guys are all either failed comics, screenwriters, or academics). They want to be Stephen