Ghost Channels

Agree with dropping the Strange scene. I thought going in to the scene that Thor and Loki were going to have this movie long journey searching for Odin. Instead, Strange solves their problem in about two minutes. I also can’t stand Benedict Cumberbatch’s terrible American accent (he has a lovely natural speaking

“it’s been the most creative thing I’ve ever done”

The trailers are so we can lick the spoon while the cake is still baking.

“We can take a joke.”

I called a press conference (despite being apparently “press averse”) to tell you how I don’t deal with this petty stuff.

“PS, could you also be a dear and delete my internet search history? Don’t look at it, just delete it. I’d do it myself, but my browser has memorized all my passwords and I don’t know enough to just delete my browsing history and not my personal data. Bye bye sweetie! Remember to buy a lot of guns and wear skimpy

Man from UNCLE is such a wonderfully underrated movie. It also provides rare evidence that Henry Cavil and Armie Hammer are both secretly charming actors in search of the right material.

Because she’s stunningly beautiful
And we like to look at beautiful people

I mean that’s a guess

If people doubt Vikander has the charisma for this role (which, what?) they should check out Man from UNCLE. She is a highlight in an already great cast.

“If you’re watching this, then I’m probably dead. Now, there’s a nefarious organisation that’s trying to unleash a terrible fate upon the world, so I figured the best course of action was to hide all the information I have about them in a secret cellar, and hope you, my daughter who’s never raided a tomb in her life,

Your Emmy was rejected for earnestly using “Newsflash.”

In fairness, taking quotes out of context is one of the few fallacies with equal opportunity offenders. That said, it tends to lean more right-wing just because they seem to control the biggest slice of the “stupid sh*t said on the internet” pie.

She told reporters on Wednesday that she felt it was a “fireable offense,” which, coming from a government official, is the kind of actual censorship far-right types are always crying about.

Despite not knowing, you nailed it.

Number one sign that someone is going to post at LEAST 20 more comments on a given thread: They say something like “Goodbye!” or “I’m outta here!” or “We’re done here.”

More importantly, does the person playing the carpet match the person playing the drapes?

Luckily the ENTIRE REST OF THE INTERNET has you covered.

I’m sure her ratings will be fine as I’m pretty sure there’s a good overlap between the type of people watching network tv at 10 am on a weekday and her target audience of “people who totally aren’t racist but appreciate someone casually tossing off statements to put the blacks in their place.”

Well, dead inside.