Ghost Channels

You’re still missing the point.

Me too. I dislike most popular music from the 90s and most of the stuff I do like I wasn’t aware existed at the time. Personally, I think we are living in the best era for music since the 1970s. There’s so much out there right now that’s good, it just takes more work to find it.

They also released a study concluding that if you read this article and then immediately toss out their data to insist that, no, actually you stream new music all the time because you are a very knowledgeable music person, you are missing the point entirely to be insufferable.

And another thing: Letting Vale into the Batcave is a stupid move, but so is having Napier be responsible for the Waynes’ murders. You cannot allow Batman that resolution.

Nicholson’s a far better Joker in my opinion in terms of actually playing the character as he’s been depicted in 70+ years worth of comic books, Ledger gives a better performance, but Nicholson plays a better Joker. 

but a TV show about a dedicated CIA operative trying to conduct poorly planned missions ordered by a racist maniac would probably be a lot less entertaining than Amazon is hoping this will be.

Can we please retire “All Along the Watchtower” from all trailers, movies, and TV shows? There are so, so many songs available, folks. Go find a new one. You’re also forbidden from using “Hallelujah,” “For What It’s Worth,” “Gimme Shelter,” literally anything by CCR, and any Motown song in any movie about group

But think how lame comedy has gotten since it became less socially acceptable to make fun of minorities, women, the disabled and the marginalized.

[embarrassed grunt]

[thoughtful grunt]

Who wins the Game of Thrones? The Aristocrats!

(except for luke brushing his shoulder off, that ruins that moment so bad)

I think you see your argument as one of healthy skepticism, arguing that people here are more beholden to preconceptions and instant reactions than they should be, akin to birthers on other sites.

But I could very, VERY easily argue that yours is an argument of not skepticism, but invalid equalization of evidence, akin

I suspect this to be a fairly common theme among people who disliked The Last Jedi.

“Dang... we should only let high-class people come to America, not anybody from those shithole countries.”

Really, really going to miss this column. It’s the last of what the AV Club used to be like. Very excited for your Age of Heroes column next!

I’m not, honestly. Heck, I don’t even really believe what I said about something like this not affecting his base. I fully believe that he bleeds support with each fresh hell that comes out of his mouth. His plunging approval ratings are already proof of that.

KeyserRoll is probably holding a party as we speak.

The problem is that Three Billboards wants to be viewed as woke and fails miserably. It tries to comment on the relationship between law enforcement and the public but glosses over how it effects black people.

People who know someone else’s Netflix login.