
I consider this site to be the "distract myself from work" club anyhow, so this all indeed does qualify.

You know its all a corporate conspiracy because MSNBC is definitely pining for those AV Club crossover numbers.

Okay well dont take those as examples, Games of Thrones, Westworld or Young Pope be more to your liking?

Your opinion seems out of step with a lot of us here. May i continue enjoying him even though you don't?

This is the biggest non apology ever. Fuck off Billy Bush the problem had nothing to do with changing the subject.

I agree wholeheartedly that watching something (usually some big ticket HBO show) and then coming here and other places to discuss and dissect before the next weeks episode really enhances my whole experience with a show. I have seen all of House of Cards but i could not tell you a thing that has happened in that

It was just for the lulz!….just…for….the…lulz….

I know but its hard not to enjoy this in a perverted way (much like he enjoyed things)

I put something along the lines of "lets bomb his funeral and that should rid us of a lot of the evil, manipulative shit bags in this country" on twitter and booooy my mentions have been fun today.

I mean that is a very reductive way of looking at it sure. These people also can speak out for what they believe and they have a giant stage to do it on.

You have bested me this day, good sir. I can't argue with facts.

This, a first date should be about conversations 100%

I did some laps around through the season, it definitely helped the experience, those early episodes still arent great but damn if the later half of the season isnt very gooood.

"the Bluths will collectively be spending more quality time with their millions of fans around the world"

I definitely do not go around telling people they have to do my job, for my job is the one true job.

What is the point of hiding behind a religion when you don't actually have empathy for people? I try to be a good person for the sole reason to not be an asshole, it literally has nothing to do with some reward punishment thing.

It astounds me where the 'freedom of speech' crowd goes when people are calling for Colbert's head or the like.

"I believe deeply in religion when it suits my narrative otherwise fuck all that shit"
- All of these idiots i can't take this anymore.

But he is going to HELP small businesses!

I have officially been gaslit (sp?) i can't take any of this anymore or the mental gymnastics I've seen from supporters.