
He still owes my mother's company $100,000 on one his strategic bankruptcies, but yeah those kinds of things are smart right? That's how we should run a country right???

Im sad because I love the cast but Ghosted does not look good, and i am surprisingly interested in LA to Vegas.

I was being a touch hyperbolic, i just can't stand any of this anymore. It's exhausting.

I would just give the spineless GOP their stupid tax cuts to get this guy out of here. The bar is set so damn low i would be perfectly fine with Pence at this point. (relatively speaking but anything to not have that asshole face representing us anymore)

So Heroes copied the X men and then an X men show copies heroes? (rather the government worker + blonde powered daughter feels very Heroes-ish. Hopefully she isn't called Claire Bear)


Home Movies and Dr. katz made up a lot of my falling asleep single time. H Jon Benjamin could read the phone book for me to go to sleep.

Yessss, i feel asleep to this show for so many years. The visuals aren't really even necessary.

So they are saying their new Chainsmokers/Major Lazer aping songs aren't a cash in on a formula?

That and Dance Dance Revolution where kind of my gateway into electronic music.

Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City for Kendrick and Channel Orange for Frank.

Frank and Kendrick would like a word with you. (I am a Kanye stan mind you)

The eye squishing is the only thing that stuck with me from when i was a little kid. (i have seen the movie several times as an adult now)

Nah it was Glenn that James Gunn originally wanted.

14 more rushed demo sounding songs from these sessions? (this pains me to say as i love all things Damon)

Stuff that distracts me from my work is still stuff that distracts me from my work. The ratio is still very slanted towards pop culture stuff, its just hard not to talk about this stuff as well.

I always said it as a sneeze, like achoooooo-yeah

Within context the being gay is not the butt of the joke, the joke is that Trump and Putin are within such close proximity that oral sex can be administered.

As they strip away LGBTQ protections because words mean absolutely jack shit these days.

This is something that i would enjoy watching.