
JJ, LC and DD are all decent to good characters, so seeing them interact for only 8 episodes can still be appealing.

Some of my favorite concert experiences have been at a festival where i just go in blind.

So? I really doubt you actually need to watch any of the build ups to be able to enjoy the Defenders.

My time is not precious when i am at work.

I've seen it in other countries but a 'skip intro' button would also be handy for the opposite case.

Fair, i'm just saying i gave up on Luke Cage about half way through and did not watch Iron Fist. I am fine with both decisions and will probably watch this anyhow.

Because we only have so much time on this blue ball spinning through space and sometimes people don't want to actively watch stuff they would probably not enjoy.

Wire. Elba. Bell. GOAT.

Ah i love coming here.

Many upvotes.

You really think this place is full of MCU fanboys?

I'm just chopping onions, I'm making a lasagna….for one

haha you really see no positives with that band eh? i mean do you think its an accident so many people rank their albums as some of the greatest of all time?

You can't see the appeal, or its just not aligned with your taste?

It's sticky one innit?

We can't fight weaponized stupidity with reasoning and understanding.

Ha that is not what im saying, im just saying that bringing a flower to a gunfight has not been working at all.

That is an awesome idea in a vacuum but this world is on fire right now.

Look i get the moral stance you are taking but what are you actually trying to accomplish? Establish your own thing?