
There is no counterpoint to tacos. You have bested me sir.

Counterpoint: no it's not.

I very much care who it is in this case. When you are basically yelling FIRE in a theater over the course of years, we should get to enjoy his suffering.

I take solace in this whole ordeal.

This made me spit out my drink literally.

Yeah why are they covering one of the most popular bands of the last 15 years. Don't we have better things to do?

This album is so front loaded its ridiculous….i'm disappointed but there are a few jams on it to throw in a playlist.

I was the age that i missed the original but saw JP2 in the theater and i remembering absolutely loving the T Rex escaping and rampaging through the city at the end. Is it a good movie? nah but it i still have a soft spot for it.

Some would say they are deplorable.

We all die eventually, stay woke.

I'm just going to repost what i just said so you can read it "Every facebook or twitter anything about a DCEU movie consists of like 50 people telling me i just don't 'get it' and that's why all of the movies have terrible writing, disjointed stories, boring characters and just dumb decisions all over the place."

Every facebook or twitter anything about a DCEU movie consists of like 50 people telling me i just don't 'get it' and that's why all of the movies have terrible writing, disjointed stories, boring characters and just dumb decisions all over the place.

My buddy got me to go to Hell or High Water in the theater. I was going in completely blind and it was one of the best cinema experiences I've ever had.

What are you even trying to accomplish? You can be racist without screaming slurs from the mountain tops.

That Highway scene in Reloaded is still one of the best scenes in a movie ever.

Some of us don't care about any of them!

That implies that Hollywood learns from its mistakes…which…no.

*blows on noisemaker
*still sad because our president

Just came here to say that the term 'hooplehead' is still my favorite thing ever.

Oh boy i laughed too hard for my own comfort at this.