
You don't stick around to see a brief glimpse of all the assistant lighting techs? Are you even really watching the movie?

Oh hey Alex.

I'll bite, there is a lot of levels to it just like any genre, so while yes you have your 18 year old idiots who follow crowds. There are a hell of a lot more people who do know what is going on. (can't speak for coachella though)

Let me rephrase, he has arguably put out 2-3 of the best hip hop albums of this decade (and arguably all time) so im not saying "he's good" i'm saying he is like Nas/Biggie/Pac level. And it is certainly not just because he does politically charged songs.

DNA -> YAH -> ELEMENT -> FEEL -> LOYALTY is an unbelievable run of songs. (shout out to HUMBLE, LOVE and XXX this album is just awesome)

If you can listen to any of Kendrick's 4 albums and not understand the hype, then he is just not for you.

What a weird jab at the Gorillaz, you know they tour with musicians right, in a fashion that is very similar to a real band.

And i am not saying that people from all sides of the spectrum arent guilty either.

I would seriously love if that was even a possibility at this point, but trying to reason with this administration with compassion is trying to move an immovable object.

Well done.

This is a beautiful sentiment in a vacuum but man fuck these people.

I was also friends with some for sure Trump voters that i have not seen in 10 years because they where douche bags.

We would kind of posture like this in high school i guess, but i was not a 60 year old man.

What about harassing the disabled?

The bible is his favorite book. it has so many tremendous passages!

His whole life is probably just the moments in between a few quick push-ups.

Hey I'm from the place that says those things!

Ugh this is too real, we keep having to fix problems in a reactionary way instead of actually having any sort of long term planning whatsoever.

Wait are you implying that people will believe made up nonsense is made up nonsense? But doesn't that mean that you do actually believe me? but then that makes it not nonsense which would disprove…
*Nose starts profusely bleeding*

People are going to believe made up nonsense whether it's on facebook or not, there is no turning back now.