
My goal in at my job is to interact with my co workers as little as possible. So no, i will never be able to meet for happy hour. EVER.

I'm still praying that they have a few rug pulls left on the narrative, but I just don't see it anymore.

This whole story is way too light hearted and I'm am not letting go of the madness from last week. FUCK THIS WHOLE ADMINISTRATION.

I didn't even realize there were red shirts until people would die and then nobody was dead.

Mad Men also stuck the landing.

or a raven, or a horse or two.

24 hours is way too long to fill up without frivolous bullshit.

I'm guessing .3 seconds from this story being posted?

Enjoy your shitty life of being a contrarian and defending nazis.

We could reroute the one headed to the danger zone maybe?

Your irrational hate towards harmless, albeit not great comedians is weird, you know that?

I watch everything with subtitles, it started because of that reason.

Shout out to the Fifth Element, probably doesn't deserve to be on this list but if 10 year old me had a vote it sure would have.

they have officially lost Bob's Burgers and early season Futurama which are my go to sleep shows. So that is probably going to be it for me.

I haven't even remotely thought about the character even during that scene after he stopped singing. This seems like a you problem.

See also: DJ Khaled

I mean that is certainly one opinion to have.

They all do, the victim is a lot easier of a card to play than being the hapless majority.

It is 1000% people who stuck with entourage and didn't think the last few seasons were horrendous.

It shot me into Radiohead which shot me into the rest of the stuff i'm into now, so no ragrets.