
But you really should not be a fan of Obama or Hillary.

Was 30 Rock ever really a big hit? I thought it just slid on its okay-decent ratings for the entirety of its run?

He'll play the Mark Wahlberg scientist role and be more believable because Mark Wahlberg sucks.

What is your endgame here Ms. Adequate, what impact are you having?

What are you talking about? They use terms like "cuck" and "triggered" a lot. I'm not really sure what you are missing.

My three closest conservative friends who use terms like cuck and triggered a lot, absolutely adored south park growing up, so based on my sample size you are wrong.

Same thoughts, i want to like him because AD good will goes a long way but man I barely liked Horrible Bosses and can't think of any other projects of his I've enjoyed.

It's sad when i almost miss the Calvin Harris/Avicii maximilism vs. the major lazer/chainsmokers crap we have now.

Also Dru Hill had a pretty good run prior to his solo stuff.

I pray that if we reach that type of technology. i'm no longer required to be at my shitty job.

I can't even bring myself to be surprised by this.

I did my part by only clicking on the pig dancing to Rihanna.

With electronic music seeping into everything, playing with a click track isn't really that uncommon.

With Everyday Robots, The Magic Whip and now Humanz I'm afraid Damon is starting to lose the plot a bit. I say this as a Blur/Gorillaz/anything Damon fanatic. Humanz was really disappointing and the rotating guests that are not used well at all on a lot of the album was a very big part of the problem.

Obama not being a citizen should probably be example #1 if you look up an actual "Political Witch Hunt"

Don't worry, Justice League is still on the horizon.

Hmm i guess those of us with eyes and ears arent super happy about the current president and his actions.

Look nothing needs to make sense anymore.

We have so many hits! *names the one female driven comedy hit in the last 10 years or so.

Lorde, Fleet Foxes and The XX i would also add to this list.