
Just thinking back to "Dig on this!" will never not make me laugh.

I don't know if that is a 1 to 1 comparison in this case.

I have this line of reasoning so much, just because someone is rich or successful does not disqualify them from having a political opinion. I hate when people go after celebs for being a liberal in this fashion so no it has nothing to do with that.

Freedom of speech is to freely call anyone a faggot whenever they want anonymously? Youtube is a private company so it is not under the first amendment.

I mean that's exactly what i did.

Remember when you would have to make a great movie first, and then it would have to do welll AND THEN you would start thinking about a sequel? 'member?

Maybe the whole damn internet should just turn off the comment section. Likes and dislikes are all people get. Everyone gets a voice in this system but boy do some people not deserve one.

Guns don't kill people!

Wait the comment section is all weird again! Also youtube is really a wasteland. I have a block youtube comment extension because the human race probably shouldn't carry on much longer.

Nope I just hung out at the main stage all day waiting for Radiohead. (this was time 2/5 seeing them, i like that band a smidge)

More of a Mark Ruffalo man myself.

I went in '08 for Radiohead and Bloc Party, one day was completely reasonable.

They both are great, i don't really see any honor in avoiding either of them.

Yeah i finally hit my diminishing returns with festivals this past summer. I'd rather travel to go see a one off show nowadays. Plus 3 days is already too long i can't even imagine trying to make it 4 days. Also it appears that you are standing on my lawn and it would be wise of you to exit.

I agree but the reason there are so many is because of how astonishing the Dark Knight is. It's not that movies fault that everyone tried to copy it. (although Logan was great)

I had to unfollow a lot of people in that same mode because I didn't need to be reminded of the situation every 35 seconds. And all of the politics-all-the-time people cannot help themselves from responding to every troll or egg account that conflicts with them.


Oh crap you are right, i watch both on my lunch break so sometimes they get jumbled.

"Werewolf in mid transition Andrew Napolitano…"
- John Oliver

reluctant upvote.