
I have the 'kill newsfeed' extension because i would just spend my days getting into arguments with strangers for no reason.

You are welcome, it's tiring work but my real job is pointless bullshit so I can make time.

No stop, please don't go…. *he says getting quieter

I don't know if i'm sexy.

I've tried with this show a few times, what is the best entry point, just start at like season 3 or 4? (I've seen enough that i get the characters and such)

No one in the history of the universe good make the case that Batman Forever is a better movie than The Dark Knight, that is absolutely insane.

Up vote for "blender-hat"

Oh man my eyes are so open now thank you!

If you just assume your superiority you aren't having a discussion, you are just waiting to say your points over and over. If you really want to change hearts and minds, being condescending will get nothing done for you.

I didn't make any assumptions you just wrote like a condescending asshole. You came here to complain about a left leaning entertainment website writing a left leaning article, so maybe go fuck yourself.

Your condescending attitude is complete bullshit dude, maybe relax a bit?

I'm so confused by your logic, are you saying that leftist people read brietbart too much? Most people i associate with dont go anywhere near that website. It's just known that it is a mouth piece for everything that we are scared about.

I have no idea where these delusions are coming from.

yeah what the hell are you talking about? I can't even think of an example of this happening.

I really loved the Interstellar theme though. (i think im in the minority on that one? im not sure)

Until my job is more exciting than reading minute details about superhero movies, i'll keep coming back. (it's not looking good for my job excitement level)

I can fight this with sadness! I have that in spades!

I'm just watching all of this and watching as my party is literally doing nothing to combat any of it. It's hard not to shrug the shoulders a bit.

I sadly think i'm getting used to all of this, outrage is a hard emotion to maintain on a consistent level.

I leave for a week to europe and come back to this format??