
looked at that guy's comments, went ahead and blocked him. Do they just send people to different websites to troll?

The show sucks. full stop.

So it's wire work and then the vfx is all the shit around him + the hair?

Ahem, vacuum cleaners would like word with you.

It's weird because that thought will actually help me masturbate.

I'm not racist but…..

This is the internet, something has to be THE BEST or THE WORST, there is absolutely no middle ground.

If life just becomes superheroes/wizards/star fights on the big screen and interesting projects get paid to be on streaming services. I would be okay with that.

I didnt really like TFA but I thought it was established that Kylo was hit by Chewie's blaster and that slowed him down significantly.

These are all entirely real concerns, but i really don't see 45 (i like this instead of typing his awful name) leading us to ANY positive changes to any of these concerns. Let's stop focusing on the argument that "Hillary would have done it this way" because we need to start looking at the captain of the ship now.

Or X-men 2 or The Dark Knight?

No BvS had AWFUL writing, i dont care about visual panache when the story is a steaming pile of shit.

Her album was quite good though.

I am not familiar with that work, but i was also thinking more just his movies.

All is forgiven, :P

That comparison doesnt really hold up because those are classics, and Max Landis has nothing anywhere near anything that resembles a classic.

He is already in a Netflix show, the Get Down or something like that i forget the title.

the entire budget of the movie?

It's like these big time ad execs understand how to market things on the internet! but that would just be too easy!