
This is the point you are going to address? What I listen to has nothing to do with this argument (I have the milk carton from a Blur video as my avatar for the record)

Whatever music you might be implying (i assume rap music) doesn't have the ability to enact laws. So i get what you are going for but also shut up.

More upvotes if i could give them.

Yeah its been great basically growing up along side of him.

Ha i know, it just mentions his jack of all trades stuff and that seems like an omission.

Also, I like this album but some of the songs sound like 'Werewolf Barmitzvah'

No mention that he is also LANDO CALRISSIAN?

No one man should have all this power.

-said the country

Our supreme leader insists that KFC and pandering taco bowls will be the only meals available.

Apparently google maps is just too complicated a plot device.

Remake a new hope you say? I feel like they just did that one.

So his real name is Arm and Hammer?

Armie Hammer? Also just somehow noticing that his name sounds like Arm & Hammer…

Thandie Newton in that black dress though…

Viga Mortensen?

There was a split second where i thought he was going to put on a black hat and say "call me the man in black." Which of course would have been awful.

Meh just do some light riffs on the William's score and it'll be at least somewhat passable.

*To some people
*At some point
*I guess

Yep, the MCU basically has their 'super powered beings that are misunderstood' , so it would just be doubling up on the characters.