
i mean you cant exactly discount origin stories, when they are still releasing Ant-Man and Doctor Strange. Aside from the two very best MCU movies you listed (and Civil War), they still all end up fighting faceless baddies with a beam shooting in the sky or whatever.

That. Colin Jost is not the enemy here.

oh i see you missed the entire point of this article.

"Then he takes a huge drag of a cigarette, because he loves smoking."
ha that is weird way to end that quote.

Tosh was fairly decent standup before Tosh.0 really watered everything down and made him unbearable.

Hurray! nothing about this is depressing at all.


haha fair, but you know what I mean.

I want any artist that has a platform like this to say something. This can't go on to be business as usual. I hope Trump/Pence cant go to a supermarket without getting booed for the rest of their lives.

I believe if you put money into the proceedings you get a producer credit.

How brave. What else might you do in this hypothetical world?

They're just like us!

it was such an amazing crescendo from Sung Tongs to MPP their last few albums are good but not anywhere near that run.

You are wrong i believe a Guy Ritchie-helmed Aladdin is up next and they are casting a Mulan right now.

I have 'Kill News Feed' on chrome and that essentially allows me to still contact people but i get into less fights with strangers on articles about Reese Witherspoon's 10 worst hair days or whatever.

I feel like you guys are talking about two different shows.

Yeah it is, im saying better this way than the Burton Alice in Wonderland or Maleficent.

I actually would just prefer them doing full adaptations of the cartoons instead of doing these weird 'return to (whateverland)' type of films.

I would have loved this version so much more. The pacing of this movie (and that accent) really took me out of the experience, i know i'm in the minority but i really didn't like this movie. (yes it was cool to look at)

She just gave a very well thought out speech like 10 minutes ago.