
Progress takes time and if you start saying that living in the past is more important than preparing for the future than no progress will be made.

In one sense certainly, but in another sense i think a few groups who have been oppressed for literally forever are starting to realize that they can stick up for themselves. (its not always done well in practice but in theory i think that is a good thing)

I would pay all of the money to watch the predator mow down old rednecks and women who hate other women.

There are literally no humans on the show, i called it!

Good episode, happy to see some momentum building. When Elsie was in the dark room for like 4 scenes, I actually was happy that they didn't do the 'girl gets snatched in the dark' troupe but alas we saw what happened.

Hey WB clearly has no idea what they are doing with the live action but at least they are letting this fly as a counterpoint.

Wait people don't like Kanye? I wish they would voice their opinion about it more! But no really the tour stop i saw was one of the most entertaining spectacles i had seen in a while. Credit where credit is due.

I can agree with that, but all of the promos and the people involved have 1000% foreshadowed a twisty narrative.


These shows are on netflix, so no one is syndicating them, and they arent selling additional ad space, why are they 13 episode seasons? All of the marvel shows suffer through the exact same issues and would all benefit tremendously from shorter seasons.

This show has waaaay too many things that fall apart if you think about them at all. The acting and FX are top notch but like the reviewer said, the mystery is not going to keep me alone.

The top notch acting is about the only thing that the show has going for it so far.

So how much do i pay to hang out with a robot Al Swearengen?

2016 has been an awful year for everything besides awesome artists releasing new albums.

This made me LOL but seriously they are going to cast like Ezra Miller or something arent they?

I pray that Disney just avoids any bullshit and casts non-white people for Alladin.

My girlfriend is a horror fanatic so i've been catching up on the genre, and for the most part I think horror suffers the most of any genre from just general movie faults that take me out of a lot of the genre. Stilted acting, plot holes, terrible character development; like any genre this takes me right out of the

Baja Sol has Queso, different assortments of burritos, free salsa and free chips.

I've suddenly sided with a lot of fox news anchors and it makes my brain hurt. Maybe there strategy all along was to make their right seem more like the middle compared to what we have now.

Definitely continuing the unbroken streak of people complaining about the content on this website.