
I suppose! but then we are splitting hairs aren't we? If an actor did a western movie before the western boom would we say they never did a western?

Just saw this movie yesterday and it was pretty bad, i cant complain about funny people getting work, but why was there so much racist stuff?

Arnold was Mr. Freeze, Stallone was Judge Dredd, Willis did Unbreakable. (loose but still counts)

I had to look up that name for reference and all i found was a 17 year old Chad Pembroke who died in 2007, is this a really in deep joke?

Or that Geico caveman show.

So like the actual movie happened first? that could be an interesting way to proceed with this.

But she isnt as classically attractive as Gal Gadot, so this works for Hollywood's standards.

well touche, but puns.

I hope someones writes a "Trump Trumped in Election" in a few weeks, i cant wait for the shit spiral that this will all bring.

Security moves you around so no one is ever directly under him and it is way cooler to be int he pit trust me.

There is security that moves people around so no one is actually directly under him at any time.

Can confirm. It was cool to be in the pit and have the whole thing be so mobile.

and what happens if they guests go after each other in some scenario?

I cant get past how weapons work in this universe, what happens if the host has a knife?

As he has been leaning a lot more political with things ramping up, it's been a lot better. Its not the same, but he is such a sharp guy that he is my favorite. (I also dont watch interviews for any of these, so just the intro stuff on my lunch break)

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but i'm sure most people would disagree with you. Including myself.

Those things are designed to make money though and they dont have any other studio making the same kind of movies way better than them.

You can make a good dour movie and you can also make a bad dour movie. These new DC movies are not benefited from the super dark tone, but they also have a lot of other things going against them as well.

I think we just had ourselves a reasonable internet discussion.

I mean that's how you read that, I meant her strengths in that she is an incredibly dedicated public servant with a ton of experience, not that she is a chummy pal.